March 31, 2020

How To Increase Donations – Going Digital

Various aspects of our everyday experience are shifting from the physical towards the virtual. From VR headsets to augmented reality and holograms, immersive technology is no longer just the stuff of sci-fi films. Instead, it’s being used in a range of industries to better serve society. 

You may be sceptical about how much virtual technology you actually interact with in your everyday life, but you’d be surprised. One of the most common virtual technologies is now ingrained in how we spend our money in the form of contactless payments. These days, only 16% of transactions in the UK are completed using cash as systems like Apple Pay have given us a new, seamless way to pay with just a tap. 

It makes sense therefore for charities to move away from collecting coppers and start prioritising other forms of donation. Contactless payment systems, like GoodBox’s tap-to-give technology, are just one way for the aid sector to ride this wave towards a cash-free future. 

If your organisation really wants to get the most out of going digital however, there are some things you need to bear in mind. Take a look at our pointers below to find out how to maximise your donations when modernising your fundraising income. 

Have a clear call-to-action

Studies have shown that globally, our capacity to hold attention is shrinking. The main reason for this is the flood of information that we’re bombarded with on a daily basis, whether that be through a screen or in the street. 

If your organisation wants to gain the already scarce attention of a potential donor, the endgame has to be immediately obvious – regardless of the digital platform you’re using.

For contactless payments terminals, the option to donate has to be clearly visible and accessible. This allows for the hurried passerby to register your cause immediately before simply tapping to donate a predefined amount. For those who’d like more information on what your charity does, your street fundraisers will be on hand to offer them all they need to know. 

The same logic applies to your website. An option to donate should be immediate on each page, and stand out from other content. Take Teenage Cancer Trust’s website, for example – the call to donate is highlighted through larger text and bright colours. There’s no doubt where to go if you want to donate, and the navigation couldn’t be simpler. 

Set different giving amounts 


Deciding how much money to give to charity can be difficult. With traditional cash donations, supporters would give whatever they’ve got in their pocket. With contactless donations, the approach is very different as an amount has to be decided before the donor can give. Rather than straining the decision-making abilities of potential donors, digital platforms need to offer pre-defined donation limits. This makes the process of donating easier for passersby, and can actually lead to higher average donations. 

Contactless donation tech works on this basis, as does any effective charity website. With GoodBox’s tap-to-give technology, donating is quick and seamless, eliminating the need to rummage around in pockets and awkwardly calculate how much you’re willing to part with. 

In website form, DEC is doing exactly the same to ensure its donation revenues keep coming in.  

Use reliable statistics 

Sometimes, numbers speak louder than words. To combat a declining trend in levels of trust in charities in the UK, it’s important to use accurate numerical data to back up your cause. Statistics can be used to demonstrate the scale of the problem your charity is addressing, how your organisation has helped, and where it’s spending donations

Alongside arming your street teams with the latest and most reliable stats, make sure your website is clearly stating where any donations are going. Check out how Oxfam is using its site to reassure potential donors on how their money will be used. 

Include stories 


Content is king, and in the charity world this means stories about how your organisation is affecting the lives of those it’s seeking to help. Potential donors don’t only want to know the numbers behind your charity’s efforts, but also the stories. The mental health charity, Mind, does this very effectively. They have a bank of highly personal stories from sufferers of mental health conditions, including details on how the charity has helped them out. Displaying stories like these through your digital platforms brings the work of your charity back to a human, personal level, and provides an emotional impetus to donate.

There are numerous ways to increase the fundraising income for your charity, including some pretty wacky fundraising ideas. When thinking about how to boost your revenue, don’t overlook the potential of digital. By making your message loud and clear through stories and stats and providing an easy way to donate, your funds will be flowing in no time. 

Promoting donations online is one way to deal with the declining trend in the use of cash. When was the last time you paid for anything with notes and coins? Fewer people are carrying cash these days, relying on cards and phones to make payments. Charities need to adapt to deal with this, and GoodBox is here to help. Our contactless tap-to-give terminals allow people to donate without diving into their pockets, and they can be fully customised for any fundraising campaign. Check out how we’ve helped organisations like the Natural History Museum meet their donation targets.

whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London